Thursday, August 13, 2009

Message of Butterflies' Wings

Good morning friends. I just remember when I’m still young, I just love to see a butterfly specially when she is resting on a flower. I wonder how why she love to rest on it. I ran to the butterfly and try to catch it. The butterfly just flew away. It rested again on another flower. It is sucking the nectar of the flower. When I look at its pretty wings, it folds its wings when it rests. And it opens its wings when it flies. I asked myself why butterflies did that. There are times in our life we experience a situation even we don’t want, but in every situation God is always in our side and He will always care for us as we least expected.

At that point, I was pondering whether there was justice from heaven that allows such tragedies to happen. But, even in my desperation, I knew that i wanted to believe in God and His love. So prayer is the one that ease my feelings. I fervently prayed every day especially before I went to bed.

I asked for a sing with butterflies, although I hadn’t heard of butterflies signifying the soul or spirit. I sometimes even asked for specific colors—blue, yellow and green butterflies.

My agony of being alone without someone on my side just passed. I was very heartbroken, and remained under. I doubted now if I have really lost my faith in God had He not done so, but I am more certain at that point of His love.

I believe now that He loves me more than I do ever love myself. And I also know that He loves me for He answered my prayer in my hour of need. He ended my suffering for being heartbroken. And I’m really grateful for what He did. I praise Him so much. I love you God!

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