Monday, April 27, 2009

The Truth (2)

And there are times when you are going to get it if you don’t say anything at all. Like when there is a disaster in the making and they find out later that you stood by and simply let it happen.

Then there are those moments when you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. I get into those situations all the time. Like when I counsel someone to separate because of an impossible situation and one of the partners insists on going on in spite of it all. He hates you with a fury because he is convinced you are breaking up his marriage. It doesn’t matter that he has mistresses galore and obviously doesn’t love his wife anymore. The truth isn’t the issue. His wishes are.

Or try telling an obsessed woman that the man she loves has no real interest in her anymore and that there is no future with him. She doesn’t want to hear it. Never mind if it’s an undeniable truth.
We often play fast and loose with the truth. We can go to great lengths to create our own truth. We mould it to suit our needs and desires. And sometimes we are so set in our ways that we simply don’t want to hear it. And we are ready to jump on anyone who insists that we listen. This is why messengers who carry the truth get shot so often. -Bob Garon

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