Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time for Introspection

Good morning everybody. It’s seldom to know the person who is specially on a high position in the government can speak or share about his thought to many of us. It’s good to know the words that he shared us all.

The Holy Week is a time to look inward.

It is a time to review how close we are to living the Christian paradigm of caring, giving, sharing and forgiving.

And it is also a time to reflect on where we have failed, and to find the resolve to pick up the broken pieces and move on as renewed individuals and as a nation.

What shared tasks have we missed? What challenges persist?

Is it not in the high incidence of poverty, in so many Filipinos who are jobless, homeless, and countless others who are clinging desperately to the remaining ray of hope?

Is it not in the many faces of social injustice?

Is it not in the growing sense of cynicism and despair?

Is it not in so many walls of division and mistrust?

Where then do we go from here? What does it take to move forward?

We can think of every imaginable economic development program. Growth statistics can be presented through impressive computer graphics.

At the end of the day, however, the hard question remains. Has the quality of life improved for the larger majority of our people who strive to survive on the periphery of society?

Perhaps what is missing is a God-centered national vision and mission.

This is a challenge where every Filipino, regardless of status and creed, is a stakeholder. It is a call not only to Christians, but also to all who profess faith in God.

A God-centered governance is essentially accountable and service-driven. It is guided by an unerring moral and spiritual compass. It is empowered by the strongest force in the entire universe to defy the gravity of its imperfections. It enables the nation to become a community of caring brothers and sisters. It is inspired to aim always for the total human development of every Filipino.
This is an ideal well worth aspiring for.

But such an ideal will remain a dream forever unless we strive with courage to make it real. And with the grace of God we shall have the wings to get there.

We hope and pray that God will be with us always. – Senator Manny Villar
(You may send your comments/feedback to mbvillar_comments@yahoo.com)

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