Friday, July 30, 2010

Going Kung Fu Christian! (Part 2 of 3)

Good morning everyone. This is the second part of my article. I wish you are still following. Let me continue now …

But the main area to which the ‘Chinese applied this term was spiritual discipline. They knew (and so do we) that the way to excellence in all life started with the training and conditioning of your soul.

Which leads me to a question…? Are you a kung fu Christian?

No, I don’t mean like a black belt in Bible and you’re able to use your fish symbol like a Chinese throwing star… HAI YA!

I’m talking about the training and conditioning of your spiritual life with Jesus Christ. You see, the Christian life is not simp0ly fire insurance from hell, it is so so SO much more than that. To simply trust in Jesus as your only hope of salvation and then leave it at that is like accepting a free ticket to a martial arts movie instead of playing a key role IN the movie! God has a major part for each and every believer, but trust me, it is no walk in the park.

Why? Because if you don’t train, you won’t be ready for the fight. You are up against a bully more powerful than any other in the universe. His goal is to “steal, kill, and destroy” you (John 10:10), and he has been studying spiritual martial arts far longer than you. Fortunately, you have a Trainer and a training manual that will bring you victory every time you engage… but you have to be disciplined and follow your Mater, Jesus Christ.

One of the greatest ‘ kung fu Christians’ of all time is the Apostle Paul. Here is his training advice:

All athletes are disciplines in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. So I run with purpose in every step.

Third and last part will come soon :) …..

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