Sunday, July 4, 2010


Good morning everyone. When I want to read a book or magazine, I always look for an article about the good things God made. Even I don’t experience those good things in real, I felt it that it happened to me. I always get touched with the articles I’ve read. I read one article that divine touched my heart. Sad story but it seems in the end you will feel good as the story will touch the heart of many. Let me share it with you …

A girl has a daddy who was not a churchgoing man. Fishing was the habit of the father every Sunday. The girl used to worry a lot about his soul, so when she was 13 yrs old, she bought him a little pocket Bible, and she slipped it into his suitcase before he went out on a business trip. The girl wrote a nice message on the bible and this it say, “Daddy, God loves you and so do I.” The girl never saw the bible again and her father never mentioned a word to her about it.

The girl grew up and moved away from home, but she always kept praying for her daddy.

Then one day she got a terrible phone call, telling her that her daddy had died suddenly at the young age of 47.

The funeral was at their little country church with standing room only. And the procession of cars stretched out for a mile behind them as they drove to the family plot. The girl was amazed at the number of friends that her quiet little daddy had.

Even in the girl’s grief at the cemetery she had to smile at the memory of her Daddy telling herself that it was called plunk-a-was cemetery, because it was “plunked way back in the middle of the woods.”

Back at their house the neighbors had cleaned up the place, but it was the girl’s sad duty to go through all of her Daddy’s things.

The girl walked into his daddy’s bedroom and burst into tears at the sight of his worn khaki work pants draped over the foot of his bed, just like he’d always done.

Rummaging through the pockets of those work pants, she felt a strange billfold-sized object in his right back pocket. That’s odd, the girl thought. Her daddy had always carried his wallet in his left back pocket.

The girl pulled the object out, and it almost fell apart in her hands. It was the little pocket Bible that she had given to her daddy all those years ago, worn smooth and soft from years of handling.

The girl turned to the inscription in her youthful handwriting. Yes, God loved her daddy. And now she knew, her daddy had sure loved God right back.

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