Friday, November 30, 2012

How did museums start?

Museum as we know them today grew out of the private collections started by wealthy people during the middle ages.

Where could you go to see an Egyptian mummy or the paintings of great artists?  Where could you see the bones of dinosaur?  The answer is “a museum.”

Just you may collect stamps or coins, museums are places that collect and display valuable art works, stuffed animals and many other interesting historical and scientific objects.

The first museums were founded in ancient Egypt.  They were usually places where art, music and the sciences were studied.  Museums as we know them did not develop until many centuries later.

They grew out of the private collections of works of art and other treasures started by wealthy people during the Middle Ages.  Today there are many different kinds of museums to visit.  Art museums, for example, collect and show paintings, statues and other masterpieces of art.

And you can see model dinosaurs in museums of natural history.-Dick Rogers

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