Wednesday, October 17, 2012

When did ice skating start?

Ice Skating
Ice skating dates back to at least the 8th century when people in Northern Europe skated over frozen lakes and rivers on primitive skates made of animal bones.

For skating is one of the most enjoyable forms of sport and entertainment.
People on primitive ice skates were probably gliding over the frozen rivers and lakes of northern Europe more than 1,000 years ago.
The first ice skates were made from animal bones and bound to the feet with leather strips.  Ice skates made of wood were used in Holland during the 14th century.
Most ice skates today are made of metal.  Then skates are permanently attached to special skating shoes.
The sport is no longer limited to frozen rivers and lakes in the winter months.  Indoor rinks make it possible to enjoy ice skating the year round.
Ice is slippery because it melts under the pressure of you weight and becomes wet.  It then offers less friction.
So when you ice skate, you are really skating on a slippery film of water that forms between the ice and the blades of the skates. – Dick Rogers

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