Monday, February 16, 2009

The Narrow Way (2)

Covetousness is a sin of the heart that must die in order for the believer to success both in business and as a witness in his or her environment. The only solution for sin is identification with the cross of Jesus, where through deep moral struggle we die to ourselves and rise again to new life in God’s image. The cross means the death of selfishness and pride as a motive for success in business.

The price the believer pays for this kind of success is much higher than the price paid by worldly people. The believer gives up his entire life to Jesus before even beginning work. Unbelievers render a percentage of their income to “Caesar” in the form of taxes, they give almost nothing to God and they keep the rest. The believer also pays taxes, but the rest goes to God, and he keeps nothing except whatever God gives back to him for personal support and expanded service.

If god were not a loving, kind and benevolent Sovereign, this would seem like a cruel from of slavery. But because of His gracious character and His incredible love, this narrow way leads to success in business and great personal fulfillment. How many clever and gifted businessmen of the world have “gained the whole world and forfeited their soul?

Reference: Peter Tsukahira . . “My Father’s Business Guideline for Ministry in the Marketplace”

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