Monday, February 2, 2009

Measuring true love by pride - 2

There are couples whose love is solid and has passed the test of time, of hardship. They have survived crises and through it all their love continues to glow with an intensity that is obvious to everyone who knows them. People can feel the warmth of their love.

Persons in these loving relationships cannot stop talking about their loved one. It’s just too much to ask. They are very proud of their partner and words of praise just come pouring out time and time again. They are never jealous because they are so sure of each other, so secure in their love. They rejoice in each other’s success. No place for spousal competition in their relationship.

They revel in the opportunities for growth each has and they show full and sincere support. The honestly they believe are part of each other’s success. And the successful one makes sure the beloved participates in every happy moment because if simple love needs to share, intense love always shares intensely.

Couples whose love is failing or has grown stale do not experience this. They drift apart and feel the increasing weight of the relationship. Feel sorry sets in and they are not in the mood to brag about each other. What we notice with these couples is the lack of pride they have for each other when pride is justified. This is when the husband is out with his friends when she is giving birth. And she isn’t invited when he attends a big business dinner. Or, if she does go, she is relegated to a corner and ignored most of the night.

You can measure a partner’s love by the pride, the sincere pride that one has for the beloved. You have a gem and you want the world to know it and appreciate it.
Reference: Bob Garon

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