Monday, October 6, 2008

Shameful Feeling!

One day as i was walking, i had noticed one little girl sitting on the street and begging for money. My eyes stucked on that girl with her physical feature.

Imagine living your entire life looking like this because you could never afford such amount for surgery.

Today, millions of children in developing countries are suffering with cleft lip and palate. Condemed to a lifetime of malnutrition, shame and isolation. Cleft palate, an excessively small lower jaw, and esophageal atresia (imperpectly developed passageway un the esophagus) with an opening between esophagus and trachea all cause respiratory difficulty. A defect in the diaphragm allowing abdominal contents to enter the chest is an important cause of failure of respiration in the newborn. Anomalies of the lungs range from absesence of one or both lungs to insignificant variation in the size and shape of the lobes.

Anomalies of the ductless glands are rare. Deficiency of the thyroid will, soon after birth, are produce signs of cretinism with slow metabolism, coarse skin, and mental retardation. Overdevelopment of the adrenal cortex affects metabolism of the cortical hormones with disturbance of genital development and often of salt balance.

How I wish that every government will help this kind of people who just want to live normal and never insulted by anybody.

1 comment:

kristine said...

Government will help this kind of people who just want to live normal and never insulted by anybody.