Friday, October 9, 2015

What were the Egyptian pyramids built for?

The Egyptian pyramids were built as tombs for ancient Egyptian kings.  Perhaps the first thing you would look for if you visited the United Arab Republic would be the ancient Egyptian pyramids near the Nile river.  

Each pyramid was build as a tomb to protect the body of an Egyptian king.  The Egyptian thought that a man’s body had to be protected and preserved so his soul could live forever.
When a king died, the people “mummified” (dried and wrapped) his body and buried it in a secret chamber deep inside an enormous pyramid, built of stone blocks to last a long time.  

It was built large to tell the world how great the king was.  Many treasures of gold and precious objects were buried with the king so that his spirit could enjoy them. Food and other necessities wee also put in the pyramid for the king in his future life.  

After the king’s mummy was placed in the pyramid, the inner passages were blocked. It took millions of stones to build a big pyramid.  Many of the blocks weighed more than a ton apiece.  A big pyramid meant the work of thousands of slaves for many years. – Dick Rogers

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