Monday, September 3, 2012

Why did pirates fly the Jolly Roger flag?

Pirates have always fascinated many people.  They love to read tales of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd, and other bold and wicked pirates.
Pirates of long ago swarmed over merchant ships on the high seas to rob them of their treasure.
Jolly Roger Flag
Because piracy is against the laws  of all nations, early day pirates could be tried in all countries and punished.
Therefore, pirates in the past flew the flag of no nation, but defiantly flew their own flag.  Their flag was the Jolly Roger—the black flag of piracy, with its white skull and crossbones.
Just before they attacked a ship, they raised the Jolly Roger to “strike terror on” everyone who saw it.
There are many stories of buried pirate treasure.  Some pirates did bury chests of treasure in secret places that they were never able to come back to and get.  Many people have looked for pirates’ treasure and a few have found some. - Dick Rogers

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