Thursday, January 14, 2010

Begin to Hope

One famous fable by Aesop tells about a thirsty crow that flew all over the fields to look for water. When the crow finally chanced upon a jug of water, it was unable to drink from it because the jug’s neck was too narrow and too heavy for the crow to push down. The crow was about to give up when it was suddenly hit by a good idea. It started picking up pebbles, dropping each into the jug. As more and more pebbles filled the jug, the water level kept rising. Soon it was high enough for the crow to drink. The plan worked!

Beyond the value of trying and trying until you succeed, the crow’s story tells us that with every challenge, we should not lose hope. If the crow had given up, it would not have found the jug of water, and it wouldn’t have thought of a great plan to quench its thirst.

Sometimes life is like that. A problem should present itself as simple and uncomplicated or it could unravel and reveal a myriad little challenges that you have to deal with before you can consider it as truly solved.

Photo courtesy: whitedoves.brohavwx

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