Monday, October 26, 2009

Let Your Little Light Shine (2 of 2)

The clues to our “accelerating universe” may just be in the thorough investigation of nearby galaxies, supernovas, and neutron stars down to the minute quark-gluon plasmas and neutrinos. As new technologies are developed to allow scientist to probe deeper into space, new challenges emerge. The new findings may contest the existing theories that have been the bulwark of the physical world and its many phenomena. But still, scientist build upon these little findings to search the skies for even more clues.

Life is like that—a continuing quest for illumination. We sometimes feel that we know so much. Other times, we feel that what we recently learned and discovered have actually unearthed another puzzle, an answer leading to another question. Even so, our little discoveries and experiments help enrich us to become a better person. We can actually use our “little lessons” to encourage others overcome their own challenges.

If travelers and explorers seek for the lighthouse nearby or the brightest stars to guide their path, the “little lessons” to encourage others overcome their own challenges.

If travelers and explorers seek for the lighthouse nearby or the brightest stars to guide their path, the little “lights” that researchers leave behind become the “guiding lights” for new explorations.

When others wallow in shadows, your “little light” may just be the flicker of hope that others need for them to prod on with life. Aren’t you going to let your little light shine and warm others?

And at times when life becomes gloomy, instead of bowing down in grief, try looking up—a beacon of light may just be shining somewhere. – Bato Balani

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