Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life-changing decisions (1 of 2)

Good morning friends. In our life, there are times that we have to give a wise decision even if it’s not favor to us. We have to consider everything. When we are going to decide, that’s the time our life may change forever. After reading one article, I just remember the story of my friend. It’s really nice and I want to share this all with you.

Sometimes, it just takes one decision to change your life forever. When I was 28, I decided to come to the Philippines. That one decision changed my life forever. I often wonder what would have happened to me if I had remained in the United States. For sure my life would have gone off in another direction. But what kind of direction is known only to God.

My older sister made a decision to marry her high school sweetheart. It changed her life forever. After 10 years of marriage, he walked into the house from work, told her he did not love her anymore, got his things and left her for someone else. It was the beginning of years of hardship and suffering for her.

Ten years ago, I decided to return to my first love: drug rehabilitation. It was something I truly wanted to do, but did not for almost 20 years. I regretted not having done so earlier (wrong decision) but then I corrected that with another decision and again my life changed forever (until the next life-changing decision).

Everyday we make decisions but most of them are not life changing. They are decisions that keep us going on a chosen path. It is when we sometimes choose to make a decision that we know could make a difference in our life that some real changes will take place.

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