Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Has the planet become strange?

Good morning everybody. Some people are wondering why we are still in our summer month, but we are experiencing rain. Sometimes it pours heavily. And after that heavy rain, the sun will come out again that’s why we feel very humid. With reference to Manila Bulletin, still we are in summer days, we expect we will have rain everywhere. As other place were already have their rainy season.

Heavy rain outpours have cut the much-awaited summer months short. Due to rising sea levels, floods have become everyday occurrences in some parts of the country. The dwindling number of marine resources has caused an alarm to local fishing communities. Meanwhile, a new virus strain is taking lives in some countries. What is happening to this planet?

Weird phenomena have been experienced throughout the world. In Ghana, olive baboons, which are known to live in savanna woodlands, are now ransacking crops and terrorizing villagers.

Incidentally, a once rich fishing ground in Namibia is struggling to recover from putrid fumes exploding from its very own ocean depths.

Chesapeake Bay’s famous striped bass are dying due to an unknown illness brought by flesh-eating bacteria that marine scientists have not encountered before. A hormone-disrupting chemical is showing up in rivers, streams and other bodies of water as more trash is dumped atop unknown bodies of water. Meanwhile, the potentially harmful Bisphenol A abound the oceans as it leaches from plastic and plastic products.In Strange Days on Planet Earth, National Geographic Channel attempts to unravel the most bizarre scientific mysteries around the planet. Join National Geographic researchers as they zero in the focal point of the changes — the oceans. Strange Days on Planet Earth’s Dangerous Catch and Oceans-Dirty Secrets will respectively premiere on May 24 and May 31, both at 10 p.m.

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