Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Three of Life

You have eaten coconuts but have you seen coconut trees?

Coconut trees grow in the lowlands and on mountainsides. There are planted in towns by the roadside as decoration. They grow up to thirty meters high or more. They start bearing fruits when they are about seven years old. They grow and live until they are about a hundred years or more.

The coconut is often called “the tree of life” because it is very useful. The stem may be used for building materials such as house posts. The roots may be used as medicine, the leaves as house roofs or walls, the midrib of the leaves as brooms or baskets. The husks can be made into doormats and the shell into buttons.

The inside shell is the coconut meat. It contains pure water which is good to drink. From its meat you can get milk for ginatan.

Dried coconut meat is called copra. Copra can be sold to other countries. Manufacturers can get oil from copra which is needed for making soap, pomade and medicine.

These are some of the most common uses of coconuts. Do you see now why the tree is called “the tree of life?”


Unknown said...

:)....You know Pari, when i read your article about The Tree of Life, i simply smiled. Because i don't know that coconut tree can do many thing. Thanks for the information!!!

matilda said...

You know Pari.....when i look at first the title of your article, I thought was is this about. After I read that, that's the time that i know the use of coconut tree in many things. It's nice to read this kind of article.

lito said...

You know Pari, I like this article of yours about The Tree of Life. When i'm reading that, i haven't thought that this tree is very useful. Now I know how it was called tree of life. Nice work there!!!!!!!!

leyah_30 said...

yeah.............ur right. coconuts are very useful. and actually i like coconuts much, one of my favorites.

conrad said...

This the first time i read about this coconut tree. It's very useful. It should be really a tree of life.

diego99 said...

This is a good story of this tree. You are good Pari.

leyah_30 said...

the three of life........thats really great. hope everyone can give value to this tree of life.